Coming Soon!

Jiang Li, Warrior Woman of Yueh is the companion novella to My Adventures As Brother Rat. Jiang Li is now available; for a signed copy, please contact me via my website Contact Me button. Price is $7.00 plus s/h of $2.20 for envelope and postage, or $4.90 for Priority Mail (6 copies will fit in a Priority Mail envelope).

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jiang Li, Warrior Woman of Yueh

OK, I tried and tried to upload the photo somewhere in the right margin, and couldn't do it, so I just added it as a 'gadget'.

The book is on schedule, and can be ordered from either the publisher, Sam's Dot Publishing at or, if you want a signed copy you may order from me at

The Price will be the same, $7.00 plus shipping and handling (yet to be determined, but shouldn't be very much.

My Gratefuls:
• Free blogs, even if I can't figure them out (like how to get rid of the underscore!)
• Another sunny day
• A wee dog to keep my lap warm (just what I need when it's 90 degrees out)
• A huge cat nicknamed Elephant Paws who keeps me warm at night whether I need it or not
• Publishers who buy my words

What I'm Reading;
Take a Bite of Literature! Small pieces of work by members and friends of Oregon Writers Colony

Quote for the Post:
"There comes a time when autumn asks,
"What have you been doing all summer?" - unknown

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